WCF Guidelines

These guidelines have three fundamental objectives:

  1. Children and adolescents are at the center of our attention. Their safety and healthy development are of utmost importance. The aim is to minimize the risk of harm to children and adolescents in our projects and events.

  2. Protection of the reputation and credibility of the World Child Forum

  3. Protection of employees/volunteers, including both permanent employees and volunteers working for WCF.

Core Values

All employees are aware of our core values before each project assignment:

Being a role model
We are aware of our role model function and behave accordingly. This especially applies to refraining from smoking while guiding children and adolescents. Abuse of alcohol and drug consumption are generally prohibited.

WCF works non-partisan, non-denominational, and free from any discrimination.

We interact openly, fairly, and trustfully with each other and our partners.

Innovation and flexibility
We always seek creative and pragmatic ways as a team to better fulfill our tasks.

We use entrusted resources sparingly, effectively, and responsibly according to the situation. We openly and comprehensively inform about resource utilization.

Protecting the environment for current and future generations is a fundamental concern of WCF. We expect and support environmentally conscious actions, such as avoiding disposable tableware and bringing reusable tableware. We also strive for overall responsible consumption behavior.

Image photo/audio/video recordings
We ensure that all photos/audio/video recordings of participating children, adolescents, and adults are respectful.

Code of Conduct

The organizational culture of WCF is characterized by fair and cooperative collaboration. Respect for the personality and dignity of each individual, tolerance, and trusting interaction in daily life are fundamental beliefs of all employees. Each person commits to behavior characterized by responsibility and integrity. Problems at work are openly addressed and solved together.

Qualification of WCF

For dealing with children, WCF commits to employing only individuals who have personal suitability corresponding to their tasks. Individuals with relevant convictions related to sexual self-determination or personal freedom will not be hired.

Child Protection Policy

Our policy is based on the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as well as internal guidelines set by the World Child Forum to ensure a safe environment for children. Our organization is committed to protecting and promoting the rights and well-being of children.

  1. Protection against Discrimination
    We guarantee all children equal rights and opportunities regardless of their origin, religion, gender, or other characteristics.

  2. Right to Safety
    We ensure that all children in our facilities are protected from violence, abuse, and neglect. Any form of physical or psychological violence is not tolerated.

  3. Right to Privacy
    We respect the privacy of children and ensure that their personal information is treated confidentially.

  4. Participation of Children
    We encourage children to express their opinions and participate in decision-making processes that affect them.

  5. Awareness and Training
    All employees receive regular information and training on child protection issues to be able to recognize signs of abuse or neglect early on.

  6. Complaint Mechanisms
    We ensure that children and their parents can submit complaints about possible violations of their rights which will be taken seriously.

  7. Collaboration with Authorities
    In case there are suspicions of endangering a child’s well-being, we collaborate with relevant authorities to ensure the child’s welfare.

This child protection policy applies to all employees within our organization as well as external partners who come into contact with children. Every individual is required to report violations against this policy immediately. Our policies are regularly reviewed and further developed.

Legal Framework

In case of uncertainties or doubts, we adhere to the laws valid in Switzerland. In Switzerland, legal adulthood is reached at the age of 18.

Alcohol & Drug Consumption

Participation in WCF program activities takes place in a conscious state of mind.

  1. Alcohol
    No alcohol is served as part of the World Child Forum program. Outside of the program during leisure time: it is recommended to refrain from consumption if possible, or consume in moderation. In Switzerland, the consumption of beer or wine is allowed from the age of 16, and all other alcoholic beverages from legal adulthood.

  2. Drugs
    No consumption of illegal drugs within the World Child Forum.

Safety & Personal Boundaries

All participants should feel safe physically, mentally, personally. All involved individuals ensure that these boundaries are well maintained. We have agreed upon a signal that clearly indicates when one does not wish for something, whether physically, mentally, or ideologically. All participants are familiar with this signal. Currently: placing an open hand on the chest and then moving away from the body with an open palm as a gesture of giving back, refusal or defense.

  1. Mental Boundary Preservation
    No one is obligated to share personal information if they do not wish to do so.

  2. Physical Contact
    The handling of physical contact varies greatly across different cultures. What may be completely normal for some cultures may be perceived as uncomfortable or even crossing boundaries in others. Our stance at WCF regarding this matter is as follows: Physical contact is allowed and considered potentially good and helpful in terms of positive body culture. Participants at the World Child Forum may shake hands, touch someone’s arm, or give a hug. It is important to perceive and respect boundaries. Each individual only allows touches that they consent to and can communicate at any time if they do not wish to be touched, if something feels too close, or if it becomes too much. This can be easily indicated by the boundary signal (hand on chest and then moving away). People who do not wish to be touched at all may handle this simply and communicate it at any time, regardless of the reason, whether cultural, religious, or personal.

  3. Sexual Contacts
    Special caution is required in an intercultural context as signals can be misunderstood. Respect is paramount.

    • Minors
      No sexual activity for minors within WCF. Kissing is only allowed if both parties genuinely desire it. Any form of sexual activity including kissing between adults and minors is generally prohibited.

    • Adults
      Adults determine their own sexuality. Sexual contact with minors is prohibited.

Emotional Support

In case of uncertainties, misunderstandings, strange occurrences, feeling upset, or needing support, our management team is always available. There is a specific team for emotional support consisting of professionals in psychology/psychotherapy/medicine/mediation who are available for conversations. They can be identified by a special button currently featuring a heart symbol.

Boundary Violations

If something goes wrong and boundaries are crossed: a conversation will be held with responsible individuals from the management team. Depending on the situation, legal guardians may also be contacted for minors and a solution will be sought. The responsibility for further participation in WCF lies with the management team of WCF.

Changelog, revisions

  • Version 2.0
    Further development in management team meeting on July 15th, 2024; Documentation by Heike Möhlen

  • Version 1.0
    Concept Development by Heike Möhlen and Bernhard Hanel on July 13th, 2024